Create your free account

Your myHorizon account is free for life. No payment details required. 

  • Monitor your company, third-parties and suppliers for hidden cyber security risks
  • Quantify risk levels by supplier and company-wide with Watchlists
  • Automate your third-party security auditing with industry-standard checks performed in seconds

DarkBeam needs the information you provide to us to contact you about our products and services. You may unsubscribe from these communications at any time. For information on how to unsubscribe, as well as our privacy practices and commitment to protecting your privacy, please review our Privacy Policy.

Free for life
(no payment details required)
Powerful risk monitoring
(created by cyber security experts)
Instant results
(actionable insights in seconds)

The Darkbeam Advantage

myHorizon from Darkbeam is a powerful, automated cyber security platform. Monitor your entire ecosystem for risks and detect stolen passwords, unsecured information and reputational risks before they are exploited.



Instant Analysis

Enter any supplier for a detailed and actionable breakdown of their security risk profile in seconds.

Easy Comparison

See changes to your risk landscape with a click. So you know where to focus your attention next.

Powerful Detection

Instantly check for breached email addresses, search for exposed cloud storage and monitor domain permutations.
Investigate immediately

Clear Reporting

Automatically generate clear reports, prioritised by risk and ready to share with stakeholders.